Dr. Tetiana Zinchenko

Dr. Tetiana Zinchenko, Ph.D.
Psychotherapist, psychiatrist, psychologist, rehabilitologist. President of the International Association for the Study of Game Addictions (IASGA), Switzerland, from October 2019 to the present.
Dr. Tetiana is a practicing clinician with twenty years of experience in the field of mental health. Of these, 5 years in the field of forensic psychiatry in specialized psychiatric clinics, 15 years in the field of psychological counseling and psychotherapy of anxiety disorders, depression and suicidal behavior, 10 years in the field of neurorehabilitation. Over the past five years, she has been specializing in group, family and individual psychotherapy and rehabilitation of people with various behavioral addictions. Currently works as a psychotherapist in private practice. Tatiana is a socially active person, so she constantly participates in voluntary activities in public organizations. From 2015 to 2019, she conducted hundreds of seminars and training sessions in more than 20 countries around the world for professionals and a wide audience.
Her main research interests are the study of the influence of information technologies on consciousness, the brain and the development of human personality, as well as the study of ontology, the nature and functioning of human consciousness. Therefore, her research focused on information behavioral addictions, such as gambling addiction, Internet gaming disorder, problematic use of the Internet, social networks, etc. Due to the rapid development of manipulative information technologies, in her opinion, this is a priority area of modern psychiatry and psychology.
She conducts large-scale research on these topics, the results of which are published in various international scientific peer-reviewed journals. She is a member of the review committee of various international scientific journals in the field of mental health.
The aim of Tetiana and her colleagues' scientific and social activities is not only to study information dependencies in depth, but also to radically change the situation for the better at the global social level. Therefore, she constantly presents reports and conduct presentations at international scientific conferences, hold round tables, presentations and webinars.
Dr. Beulah van der Westhuizen

Dr. Beulah Van Der Westhuizen, international authority in the field of neurodevelopment, started out as a practicing Educational Psychologist in South Africa. She has dedicated her career to finding solutions to better assist neuro-diverse individuals and specifically those on the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Dr. Beulah Van Der Westhuizen was awarded the degree of Doctor of Education in the subject psychology of education at the University of South - Africa (UNISA) in March 2007. The subject of her doctoral dissertation: “An ecosystemic approach to addressing attentional difficulties and heightened motor activity”. This research pioneered the model implemented in then remedial schools she later founded.
She has founded a Group of Private Remedial Schools providing Personalized Education, with a remedial stream and a special needs stream. She has designed and coined an therapeutic educational approach known as TheraEd™. The design of the iMap™ and iDevelop™ is her latest contribution to the field and forms part of a greater vision to educate parents, teachers and professionals in the underlying root cause aspects underpinning the symptoms observed. This vision is to form a clinical collective view on the individual, enabling practitioners to work together to the betterment of the person in need.
At present, Dr. Beulah acts in the following capacities:
• Founding Director and CEO at EduExcellence Group for Private Personal Education.
• Professional Course Designer and Presenter of TheraEd.
• Founder and International Trainer at Neuro-Dynamics Academy.
• Founding CEO at The Assessment Center & The Development Center.
• International Trainer in the Structure of Intellect.
• Senior Educational Psychologist in private practice (Gauteng & Western Cape).
The iMap and iDevelop program was launched in 2019, and the Be[in]Formed range is available online. International training is available for parents, teachers, and practitioners. For more information, visit www.meetdrbeulah.com, www.eduexcellence.co.za, and www.theassessmentcenter.co.za.
Dr. Beulah has authored and co-authored various scientific articles related to neurodevelopment and is a keynote speaker at international scientific conferences.
Consultant Dr. Elzahraa M. Ayoub

Highly skilled and enthusiastic professional with more than 25 years of experience treating and managing mental health and addiction treatment medical centers and hospitals. Director of Aswan Mental Health Hospital (Ministry Of Health: Egypt, Aswan) since February 2020. Dr. Elzahraa is a practicing psychiatrist and has specialized in neuropsychiatry since 2010. Her scientific interests are also in this field. In 2020, she was awarded the category Consultant A, which is the highest level in a medical career in Egypt.
She is not only an excellent experienced physician, but also a talented health care organizer in the field of mental health in Egypt. Since 2015, she has been working on her doctoral dissertation, which she plans to complete this year. Dr. Elzahraa is one of the professional team members that the Egyptian genral secretary of mental health Gathered to face mental health decision and managment issues during the Covid 19 th pandemic in collaboration with WHO.
Dr. Elzahraa introduces various methods of psychotherapy into clinical practice. Constantly engaged in the development and training of medical personnel. She participates in scientific clinical research, is the author and co-author of various scientific articles, organizer and participant of international scientific conferences, round tables in the field of mental health.